Circular letter 24/2020 issued from the Department of Education in March 2020 for the purpose of implementing special arrangements arising from the coronavirus pandemic.
It advises employers how to deal with employees who have contracted COVID-19, or are at high risk of serious illness from coronavirus, or are a close contact of a person with a confirmed case, or have symptoms of the virus and have been advised by a doctor to self-isolate.
The circular letter outlines how the employer may grant special leave with pay for any coronavirus related absence.
It also sets out the criteria for self-isolation and how contact between employer and employee is to be conducted during a period of special leave with pay.
The circular letter also deals with
- Restricted movements
- At risk groups
- Ordinary sick leave
- The application procedure for special leave with pay
Importantly, it also makes provision for the redeployment of employees for temporary assignment withing the wider public service.
The form for self-declaration for special leave with pay for self-isolation arising from covid-19 is included in 24/2020.
You can access 24/2020 here.