Appointments Fixed Term Appointments Primary

Primary Schools Contract of Indefinite Duration-Changes in Requirements 0064/2013

Changes to the qualification period for teachers who are employed on a  fixed term basis for consideration for a contract of indefinite duration. Read/download circular letter 0064/2013 here. [flv: 640 480]

Appointments Boards of Management Circulars from Department of Education and Skills Fixed Term Appointments Teachers

Fixed Term Work-Contract of Indefinite Duration-09/2006

Fixed Term Work-Contract of Indefinite Duration-09/2006 See also 47/2006 and 82/2007 cl0047_2006 

Appointments Boards of Management Circulars from Department of Education and Skills Fixed Term Appointments Teachers

Fixed Term Work-82/2007

Fixed term work revised agreement-82/2007 circular-82-07 See also: 0009/2006 47/2006. cl0047_2006 cl0009_2006-1