Useful Links for Schools

The Irish Statute Book online-this contains all the legislation in the State.

The National Council for Special Education-NCSE

The National Educational Welfare Board-NEWB

The National Induction Programme for Teachers

School design and building-Department of Education and Skills

The Teaching Council

DES Services for Teachers, Special Need Assistants, and Staff

Maternity leave for teachers and special need assistants

Appointment forms for teachers and special needs assistants
Revenue Guidance re RCT for Boards of Management

The Education of Students with Challenging Behaviour arising from Severe Emotional Disturbance/ Behavioural Disorders-NCSE

Child Protection Procedures-2011

Occupational Health Service Guide for Boards of Management VECs Circular-0065-2008

Standard Operating Procedures Manual for Boards of Management VECs

Standard Operating Procedures for SNAs Occupational Health Service

SI 146/2000-Code of Practice on Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures

Teacher recruitment, registration and qualifications

Teacher induction

Teaching council

Child protection resources (DES)

National Council for Special Education (NCSE)

Guidelines on Managing Health and Safety in Post-Primary Schools

Guidelines on Managing Health and Safety-Tools and Templates

National Parents Council-Primary

Guide to Insurance, Safety and Security in Schools-Allianz Insurance


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