
Prefab Replacement Scheme 2013/14

The Minister for Education & Skills, Ruairí Quinn T.D., today (10th June, 2013) announced a further initiative to replace prefab units in schools with permanent accommodation. A total of €15 million has been allocated in 2013/14 to replace prefabs and provide permanent resource rooms and classrooms for some 2,650 students. Forty-six schools, with 115 prefab […]

Boards of Management Primary Teachers

5th June, 2013 Update on Teacher Allocations and Redeployment Panels at Primary Level for 2013/14

The DES have today (5th June, 2013) issued their latest update on teacher allocations and redeployment panels at primary level for 2013/14 school year. Click here to read the update as at 5th June, 2013. Click here to see the supplementary panels list. Main redeployment panels summary list. The next update will be issued by […]


Separated Father Wins €5,000 for ‘Hurt and Upset’ Caused by School’s Failure to Communicate about Child’s Progress

Complaint to the Equality Tribunal under Equal Status Acts 2000-2007-claim that father was discriminated against on the grounds of gender, marital status and family status-Community School failed to provide information he had sought with regard to his children’s progress in school-4 children-separated-divorced-expressed concern over children’s attendance and performance-Principal agreed to furnish copies of school reports […]

Circulars from Department of Education and Skills Leave

Parental Leave Entitlements for Registered Teachers in Primary and Post Primary Schools-Circular 26/2013

The DES have today (4th June, 2013) issued a new circular dealing with parental leave entitlements for teachers: circular 0026/2013. This circular reflects the changes brought into Irish law by Statutory Instrument no. 81 of 2013, European Union (Parental Leave) Regulations 2013, which transposed EU directive 2010/18 EU into Irish law with effect from 8th March, 2013. […]

Appointments Circulars from Department of Education and Skills Primary Teachers

Primary Panel Update on Teacher Allocations-28th May, 2013

The DES have issued a new panel update (28th May, 2013) in respect of primary school teachers for the school year, 2013/14. The relevant circular in relation to staffing arrangements is 0013/2013. Here is the latest panel summary list. The next panel update will be issued by the DES on the 5th June, 2013.

Appointments Primary

Update on Teacher Allocations and Redeployment Panels at primary level for 2013/14 school year – Position @ 21 May 2013

The latest redeployment panel update at Primary school level for 2013/2014 has been released by the DES. This reflects the position at the 21st May, 2013. Click here to learn more.

Circulars from Department of Education and Skills VEC

VECs-ESF Return Requirements and Deadline of 7th June,2013 for 2012 Claims

New circulars re the European Structural Fund for VECs: ESF Aided Operations-Adult Literacy-0020/2013 ESF Aided Operations Human Capital Investment Operational Programme 2007 – 2013-Information Booklet and Instructions for Beneficiaries-0021/2013 (Back to Education initiative (part time) and Youthreach) In order to finalise the above named expenditure returns and secure drawdown of ESF Aid, the following documentation should […]

Boards of Management Circulars from Department of Education and Skills Teachers

Circular 25/2013-Requirement for Teachers to Register with the Teaching Council

The purpose of this Circular is to– Advise unregistered people who are employed in teaching posts in recognised schools and who have sufficient qualifications to be registered with the Teaching Council to APPLY IMMEDIATELY to the Council, as the registration process can take several months, Explain the employment consequences for qualified and unqualified people employed in […]

Schools Teachers

Panel Update at 14th May, 2013-Primary Schools Teacher Allocations and Redeployment Panels

The DES has issued an update on teacher allocations and redeployment panels on 14th May, 2013. The relevant circular is 13/2013 which set out the staffing arragnements for primary schools for the school year 2013/2013. Supplementary panels will be circulated at a later stage and will be used to fill remaining permanent vacancies that are […]

Parents Schools Teachers

Cyberbullying-How to Take a Screenshot to Gather the Evidence of Social Media Bullying

Bullying on social media sites is all too common nowadays. The most recent tragic cases in Donegal  leading to the tragic suicide of a 13 year old girl, and subsequently her sister, shows the insidious and harmful nature of such bullying. Listening to Morning Ireland this morning on RTE Radio 1 I heard the advice […]