The Primary Grant Calendar for the 2013/14 school year can be downloaded here. Primary Grant Calendar 2013/14
Category: Circulars from Department of Education and Skills
NCSE have confirmed 20th of September, 2013 as the closing date for the receipt of a 2nd round of applications for individual resource teaching hours for the 13/14 school year. Read the NCSE guidelines (NCSE 02/13) for the submission of applications for resources for the remainder of the 2013/14 school year. NCSE pupil attendance form-download.
The decision of the Board of Management of St. Joseph’s National School in Valleymount, Wicklow to demote its principal and appoint a new one has been overturned by the High Court. The Principal, Nora Kelly, who has 32 years’ service as teacher and has been principal of St. Josephs since 2007, firstly appealed the decision […]
The Home Tuition Scheme provides for tuition in the home for children who are unable to attend school due to a significant medical condition. The scheme is also available for children with special needs who are unable to attend school due to the non-availability of school placements. In addition children with autism of a pre-school […]
Something that concerns school Boards of Management and VECs is the question of their “duty of care”. How great is this duty of care?, to whom is the duty owed?, etc. An interesting case in this connection is reported in the Irish Times yesterday involving a school boy who brought a High Court action against […]
Montessori Teacher in Kildare awarded 32,500 euros by Employment Appeals Tribunal for Unfair Dismissal Montessori school in Kildare-Board of Trustees runs the school-Principal asked RD to go on board-Principal went on administrative leave in 2010-Vice Principal took over Principal’s class-Board asked Vice Principal for report on each child-Principal unhappy with this report-felt Vice Principal was […]
The DES has published a new circular to bring about a.. Simplified arrangements for the maintenance of the Register (Clárleabhar), Roll Book (Leabhar Rolla) and Daily Attendance Book (Leabhar Tinrimh Laethúil) Circular 0028/2013 Example of the Simplified Arrangements for the Register Daily attendance book Example of the simplified arrangements for the Roll Book Example […]